Where to Look for Fall Arrest Training in Colorado

fall arrest Colorado

Working at height is defined as the activity carried out at a minimum of 4 feet from the ground. Workplaces located up to 4 feet are considered “low-altitude”, to which, depending on the existing dangers, must be applied some of the safety measures for working at height.

Work at height is allowed only if the workplace has been arranged and equipped from a technical and organizational point of view, so as to prevent the employees from falling. Labor safety provisions and regulations in force must be observed and applied, regarding the possible danger of injury specific to the activities carried out in that workplace, other than the danger of workers falling from height.

The main risks related to working at height are: falling objects or people, weather or other environmental conditions that can influence working conditions, unprotected work platforms, fragile materials on the roof, the risk of slipping and stepping off the platform, working near power sources etc.

There are three generally valid principles that must be taken into account when working at height, regardless of the field of activity:

  1. Technological organization of works at height
  2. Equipping workers with personal protective equipment, adequate to the conditions of the workplace
  3. Individual or collective training, corresponding to the risks of the workplace.

As a part of U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) also deals with fall prevention and provides lesson plans for businesses that involve working at height (industry, construction and landscaping (industrial and civil), telecommunications, wind power plants, power lines, work on roofs etc.).

Fall arrest Colorado training providers offer a wide range of training programs applicable to high altitude activities:

  • Theoretical and practical courses for employees carrying their work at height
  • Theoretical and practical courses for the training of utilitarian alpinists
  • Theoretical and practical courses for training rescue teams
  • Courses for the correct choice and use of protective equipment for working at height

During the theoretical and practical training courses, participants learn the correct choice of equipment and its safe use. Specific methods of performing equipment inspection and evaluation are also taught, both theoretically and practically. At the end of the program, participants will be evaluated on the basis of a written exam and a practical test. After successfully passing the exam, each participant will receive a certificate.

It is a legal requirement for the employer to provide training for labor protection. The courses offered by fall arrest training providers will not only show you the safest way to use work platforms at height, but also how you can increase productivity by selecting the most suitable equipment for each job. Training courses can be held on site or in training centers. The content and style of each course can be tailored to your needs.

A simple internet search will reveal lots of fall arrest training options in Colorado, offered by various safety training providers across the state. Just make sure that the one you choose is certified and committed to OSHA’s Fall Protection Standard, which is the most frequently cited in the United States.